(1) If the emissions of volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) from tankers are to be regulated in ports
or terminals under the jurisdiction of a Party to the Protocol of
1997, they shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions
of this regulation.
(2) A Party to the Protocol
of 1997 which designates ports or terminals under its jurisdiction
in which VOCs emissions are to be regulated shall submit a notification
to the Organization. This notification shall include information
on the size of tankers to be controlled, on cargoes requiring vapour
emission control systems, and the effective date of such control.
The notification shall be submitted at least six months before the
effective date.
(3) The Government of each
Party to the Protocol of 1997 which designates ports or terminals
at which VOCs emissions from tankers are to be regulated shall ensure
that vapour emission control systems, approved by that Government
taking into account the safety standards developed by the Organization,*
are provided in ports and terminals designated, and are operated
safely and in a manner so as to avoid undue delay to the ship.
(4) The Organization shall
circulate a list of the ports and terminals designated by the Parties
to the Protocol of 1997 to other Parties to the Protocol of 1997
and Member States of the Organization for their information.
(5) All tankers which are
subject to vapour emission control in accordance with the provisions
of paragraph (2) of this regulation shall be provided
with a vapour collection system approved by the Administration taking
into account the safety standards developed by the Organization,
and shall use such system during the loading of such cargoes. Terminals
which have installed vapour emission control systems in accordance
with this regulation may accept existing tankers which are not fitted
with vapour collection systems for a period of three years after
the effective date identified in paragraph (2).
(6) This regulation shall
only apply to gas carriers when the type of loading and containment
systems allow safe retention of non-methane VOCs on board, or their
safe return ashore.