Additional Information

Additional Information - 4

Status of MARPOL 73/78, amendments and related instruments

This list show the dates of entry into force of MARPOL 73/78, its protocols, annexes and amendments as at 1 July 2006

Details of the amendments may be found in the list of MEPC resolutions

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL (amended) 73/78).

Entry into force: 2 October 1983

Annex I

2 October 1983*

Annex II

6 April 1987*

Annex III

1 July 1992

Annex IV

27 September 2003

Annex V

31 December 1988

Annex VI

19 May 2005
1985 (Protocol I) amendments (MEPC.21(22)) (Reporting Protocol) 6 April 1987
1989 (BCH Code) amendments (MEPC.33(27)) (list of chemicals) 13 October 1990
1989 (Annex V) amendments (MEPC.36(28)) (designation of the North Sea as a special area) 18 February 1991
1990 (BCH Code) amendments (MEPC.41(29)) (harmonized system of survey and certification) 3 February 2000
1990 (Annexes I** and V) amendments (MEPC.42(30)) (designation of the Antarctic area as a special area) 17 March 1992
1991 (Annex V) amendments (MEPC.48(31)) (designation of the Wider Caribbean area as a special area) 4 April 1993
1992 (BCH Code) amendments (MEPC.56(33)) (lists of chemicals and other amendments) 1 July 1994
1992 (Annex III) amendments (MEPC.58(33)) (total revision of Annex III with the IMDG Code as a vehicle for its implementation) 28 February 1994
1994 (Annexes I***, II***, III and V) amendments (Conference resolutions 1-3) (Port State control on operational requirements) 3 March 1996
1995 (Annex V) amendments (MEPC.65(37)) (Application, placards, management plans and record keeping) 1 July 1997
1996 (Protocol I) amendments (MEPC.68(38)) (article II - when to make reports) 1 January 1998
1996 (BCH Code amendments (MEPC.70(38)) (lists of chemicals) 1 July 1998
1999 (BCH Code) amendments (MEPC.80(43)) (cargo containment) 1 July 2002
2000 (Annex III) amendments (MEPC.84(44)) (amendments to appendix) 1 January 2002
2000 (Annex V) amendments (MEPC.89(45)) (amendments to regulations 1, 3, 5 and 9 and Record of Garbage Discharges) 1 March 2002
2000 (BCH Code) amendments (MEPC.91(45)) (amendments to chapters II, III, IV, V) 1 July 2002
2004 amendments (MEPC.115(51)) (revised Annex IV) 1 August 2005
2004 (Annex V) amendments (MEPC.116(51)) (amendments to the appendix) 1 August 2005
2004 amendments (MEPC.117(52)) (revised Annex I) 1 January 2007
2004 amendments (MEPC.118(52)) (revised Annex II) 1 January 2007
2004 (IBC Code) amendments (MEPC.119(52)) 1 January 2007
2005 (Annex VI) amendments MEPC.132(53)) (amendments to Annex VI and to the NOx Technical Code) 22 November 2006
2006 (Annex I) amendments (MEPC.141(54)) (amendment to regulation 1, new regulation 12A, consequential amendments to the IOPP Certificate and amendments [1 August 2007#]
2006 (Annex IV) amendments (MEPC.143(54)) (new regulation 13) [1 August 2007#]
2006 (BCH Code) amendments (MEPC.144(54)) [1 August 2007#]

* Annexes I and II were amended on 15 October 2004. The acceptance date for these amendments is 1 July 2006 and their date for entry into force is 1 January 2007.

** These amendments were to the text of Annex I before it was amended in October 2004.

*** These amendments were to the texts of Annexes I and II before they were amended in October 2004.

# Conditional upon acceptance on 1 February 2007.